Get a FREE Bottle Of Melt-O-Matic When You Order Your First Bottle Today!

(With FREE Shipping In The US & Canada)

Get a FREE Bottle Of


When You Order Your First Bottle Today!

(with FREE Shipping In The US & Canada)

"Just Point, Spray, And Drive Away!"

Get Your Melt-O-Matic Delivered In Less Than 7 Days + FREE Shipping In The US & Canada

Enter Your Promo Code. (If you have one)


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Don't Let Winter Steal Your Morning!

Let chemistry do the work

Don't Let Winter

Steal Your Morning!

Let chemistry do the work

 Melts Ice In SECONDS!

  • The average driver will spend 20 minutes a day removing ice from their car. Melt-O-Matic gives you that time back! So you can enjoy your coffee instead of freezing your fingers off.

 Works in -60°C (-76°F)

  • Our heavy duty Canadian made formula will melt ice even during the coldest winters.

 Prevents Refreezing

  • Our special formula produces a nano-coat that prevents ice from reforming for an extended period of time. Keeping your vision clear for the entire commute!

 Not just for windshields

  • Unlike other ice removal tools, Melt-O-Matic can remove annoying ice in all hard to reach places. Locks, doors, handles, or anywhere that ice collects!

See how Melt-O-Matic Busts Hard Ice In SECONDS!

But Melt-O-Matic doesn't just save your morning...

 It saves your wallet too!

  Prevent Expensive Damage!

  • Ice removal tools can be harsh on your vehicle and cause chips or cracks in your windshield which are costly to repair. Melt-O-Matic is 100% glass safe.

  Safe On Paint

  • Remove ice on your frozen car door without worrying about chipping the paint. Melt-O-Matic is 100% paint safe and will leave no residue or discoloration.

  Avoid Nasty Fines

  • Did you know you could get fined up to $1,000 for driving with ice or snow on your car? 
*If you live live in :

Canada, Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Wisconsin

Safe To Use On ANY Surface!

And did you know?...

"Poor Visibility Is The 2nd Leading Cause Of Winter Car Accidents"

That's over 1,000,000 wrecks per year in the US alone!


There’s nothing worth more than the safety of you and your loved ones!

Give the gift that keeps on giving this winter season… A safe trip home.

The Perfect Gift...

  • For the mom that drives her kids to school every morning
  • For the dad that always complains about scraping the damn ice! 
  • For the new teen driver that's always in a rush

Melt-O-Matic makes the perfect stocking stuffer for anyone that needs to use a vehicle this winter season!

How Many Times Has This Happened To YOU?

You rush out the house so you can beat the morning traffic…

But as you step out the front door, you discover your car is covered with ice & snow!

Usually you can enjoy a warm coffee...

While coasting in your toasty car...

And have a relaxing commute...

But now you have to FREEZE for 10 minutes while you scrape off the ice.

Or worse…

You drive with an icy windshield to avoid being late, putting yourself (and others) in danger!

This uncomfortable and dangerous scenario is far too common.

But now you don't need to pick between comfort and safety...

Get Your FREE Bottle Now

BEFORE It's Too Late

We want to get Melt-O-Matic to as many people as possible this winter season....

But as a small son & pop shop we are extremely limited in how many bottles we can produce. 

So to make sure you get a bottle of Melt-O-Matic this season, click the button below now to fill out your details in the order form.

Your bottle will arrive within 7 days and shipping is completely FREE! 

Click the button now to make this winter your safest and most comfortable ever 

HURRY! It's Almost Dragon Season!

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